
Barrande Fellowship Programme

The French Institute in Prague and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MSMT) are happy to announce the launch of the Barrande Fellowship Programme, the exchange mobility programme for Ph.D. students between the Czech Republic and France. The programme offers scholarships to support research stays in France under the supervision of french supervisor. […]

IGA/A grant competition

On 30 September, a call for the IGA/A grant competition, which is carried out on the basis of the IGA/A project registered under CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016936 and of Call No. 02_19_073 IMPROVINGTHE QUALITY OF INTERNAL GRANT SCHEMES AT HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (OP RDE), was launched.   The student grant […]

1st Virtual GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology

The 9th GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology will for the first time take place online as a virtual summer school from 29 July to 21 August 2020. Join lecturers and participants from all over the world and from many different fields in meeting online to take part in Europe’s leading summer school in survey […]

10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies

The Bavarian-Czech Academic Agency in cooperation with Deggendorf Institute of Technology invites you to a conference “10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies“. The conference will take place on 13th – 15th May 2020: More information at

French PhD scholarships – call for application 2020

French institute in Prague is pleased to inform you that the call for French Government scholarships applications is now open. These grants are to be awarded in 2020 by the French Embassy in the Czech Republic.   These scholarships are intended for PhD students of Czech universities who wish to achieve, in any field of […]

Visiting student researcher program of the University of Ottawa

The University of Ottawa offers a visiting student researcher program to the international PhD students from all over the world. More information can be found on their website:

Research stays at the European University Viadrina

We are glad to announce the Viadrina International Program – for Graduates (VIP) as a funding program of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) for doctoral candidates for 2020. The program is funded by the European University Viadrina and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The VIP aims to support the international networking of doctoral […]

Admission to the Ph.D. programmes of the Faculty of Business Administration

Faculty of Business Administration will be opening doctoral study programmes that will start in summer semester 2019/2020. Requirements and detailed information are available on FBA website. Applications are opened until 15th December 2019.

International & Study Abroad Fair 2019

International Office of the University of Economics, Prague would like to invite you to its event International & Study Abroad Fair 2019, which will be held on Tuesday, November 5th, 2019 in the Atrium RB between 10:00 and 15:00. This year’s event aims at all students interested in studying abroad, which includes students of doctoral programmes […]

Extraordinary scholarships for excellent students of doctoral study programmes realized in the English language for academic year 2019/2020

Rector of the University of Economics, Prague offers scholarships to students in the first year of full-time doctoral study programmes realized in the English language, who can meet the following requirements: Significant co-authorship on two high-quality peer-reviewed articles in the given field of study published in journals included in WOS or SCOPUS databases; high-quality research […]

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