Barrande Fellowship Programme

The French Institute in Prague and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MSMT) are happy to announce the launch of the Barrande Fellowship Programme, the exchange mobility programme for Ph.D. students between the Czech Republic and France.

The programme offers scholarships to support research stays in France under the supervision of french supervisor. PhD candidates can apply for two types of mobilities:

a) “cotutelles” (total of 15 months over three years),

b) short-term research stays (1 up to 3 months).

More information can be found at


PhD candidates studying in a doctoral degree programme at a Czech University can apply, no matter what their nationality is. Required documents in the English language are to be sent to The deadline is 26 February 2021 until 24:00. Candidates will be chosen based on evaluation of their projects.


There was a webinar held by the French Institute in Prague focused on the Programme. Video recording is available at