ONLINE Horizon Europe Workshop

The Research Office invites you to a seminar about Horizon Europe organized in cooperation with the Technology Centre CAS. The workshop will take place on December 1 (9am).

The workshop is open to all researchers and doctoral students who are interested in engaging in international research projects within the EU framework programme Horizon Europe. Take advantage of this opportunity to discuss your ideas and questions with the Czech national contact points for Horizon Europe.

The seminar will be held online and the working language will be English. Recording will be made from the two first sessions.

Please see the detailed agenda below.

You can register directly at the following button:

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Invitation to Online Horizon Europe Workshop

The workshop will focus on the selected calls from the 2023 – 2024 Work Programmes from the three following areas of Horizon Europe and is open to researchers and doctoral students:

9.00 – 11.00 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) and the European Research Council grants (ERC)

The MSCA and ERC represent the excellent science part of the Horizon Europe structure. The presentation will cover the basic rules and differences between the MSCA Postdoctoral fellowships and the ERC Starting Grants, i.e. individual grants. MSCA Staff Exchange will be outlined as well. If you are interested either in mobility grants or ground-breaking excellent science, this section is for you.

Speaker: Mgr. Lyudmyla Tysyachna


11.00 – 12.30 Cluster 2

Cluster 2 Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society is part of the second Pillar of Horizon Europe (Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness). The work programme focuses on three distinctive destinations, i.e., democracy, transformation, and heritage. There will be two waves of calls. The first has a deadline already in March 2023 and the second in February 2024. Calls from the first round will be briefly outlined to provide information and a possibility to search for appropriate consortia. However, the presentation will mainly focus on the relevant topics in calls with deadline in February 2024, which offers an ideal timeline for consortia building and proposal writing.

Speaker: Mgr. Klára Černá


13.00 – 15.00 Twinning

The Twinning workshop is dedicated to the prospective Twinning proposals for a call with a deadline on September 28, 2023. The presentation will discuss the requirements of the call, the specifics of a successful Twinning proposal, and the dos and don´ts of project proposals.

Speaker: Mgr. Anna Vosečková