PhD mobilities

As a part of internationalization of the doctoral studies at VSE, the Office for Science and Research (OSR) supports involvement of young researchers in international scientific or research teams. During their studies, students are encouraged to participate in international scientific projects and are motivated to present the results of their research on an international scale.

PhD students have the opportunity to experience short-term or long-term research internships or study stays abroad. Students are encouraged to show initiative in searching for such mobilities based on their research topic and interests.


Short-term mobilities

Usually refer to participation on conferences abroad, summer schools or seminars (e.g. EDEN). Students of doctoral programmes can request financial support from the Catalogue of Supports for this type of mobility.

Students may choose from offers announced on News section of the OSR website, offers of stays and internships from the International Office (5-30 days), or they can search for appropriate events themselves.


Long-term mobilities

Students also have an opportunity to take part in a longer study stays or internships.

VSE may provide a financial support if certain conditions are met. Only full-time PhD students can apply for a financial support and the minimum length of study or research mobility is 2 months; the maximum is 12 months. More information and other conditions for receiving financial support can be found at the International Office website.

Long-term mobilities can be funded by other scholarship programmes outside VSE or the host institution itself. List of other scholarship programmes can be found at