Accountancy and Financial Management

The study programme focuses on the preparation of students for their future academic or research career in business or public sector. In the line with current standards in international research, the core of the programme rests on mastering of modern quantitative and qualitative research methods in business and economics, passing advanced courses in accounting and corporate finance, as well as in own research of specific topics and their presentation in top conferences in the field.

Students are expected to do their research on a selected topic relating to financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, corporate finance, financial management or business valuation. Based on the theoretical preparation in the courses and own research, the graduate is able to solve complex problems in the above-mentiond area, both on a theoretical and a practical level. Own research activity of a student is grounded on deep knowledge of relevant and competing economic, financial and accounting theories as well as on their empirical testing under various sets of conditions.

The study is formally concluded by the elaboration and defense of final doctoral thesis, by which students prove their ability of independent creative research work. The thesis can take either form of a research monograph, or it can consist of a collection of published papers in internationally recognised peer-reviewed journals.

Compulsory courses:

  • MIE911 Economics (Microeconomics – Macroeconomics)
  • FP_901 Financial Management
  • MU_901 Management Accounting
  • FU_902 Financial Accounting Standardization

Elective courses:
PhD candidate chooses one of the stated subjects on recommendation of supervisor:

  • FIL901 Philosophy and Methodology of Science
  • STP916 Applied Statistics and Econometrics

Optional and supplementary courses:
Upon agreement with their supervisor the PhD candidate chooses other, but maximum of three courses relevant to the doctoral thesis.

Foreign languages courses for doctoral study programme are offered by the language departments.

PhD candidate performs other duties in accordance with the Study and Examination Rules and the Individual Study Plan.

More information available at the website of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting.