International Economic Relations

This study programme enables further professional education of university-graduated professionals by acquiring of scientific qualification in the sphere of international business. Study extends the knowledge of this broad and dynamically developing field and develops skills in applying scientific methods in research in this sphere. It educates experts for independent creative work and conceptual approach to solving problems of international business and to applying newly gained knowledge in practice.

Applicants for this study programme can be graduates from economic universities or other social science or technical fields. The choice of studied subjects enables to adjust the structure of completed courses to the preceding education of the applicant, to the field of interest and to the particular focus of his/her doctoral thesis.

Graduates from doctoral study of International Economic Relations apply their skills mainly in entrepreneurial sphere at home and abroad, at scientific and research work places, at universities and vocational schools, in public administration bodies and diplomatic corps abroad, in public-service institutions and international organizations.

Compulsory courses:

  • MO_922 Methodology of Science – in English
  • SE_963 International Economics III
  • STP915 Statistical Methods for Scientific Research

Elective courses:
The PhD candidate chooses one of the following two subjects on the recommendation of a supervisor:

  • MIE911 Economics (Microeconomics – Macroeconomics)
  • SE_907 Economic Analysis and International Comparisons: Data, concepts, methods and challenges

The PhD candidate chooses one of the following nine subjects on the recommendation of a supervisor:

  • MO_911 International Marketing Management
  • MO_912 New Challenges in the International Logistics
  • OP_904 International Management
  • PRA913 Economic and Business European Law
  • SE_904 European Monetary Integration
  • SE_905 The Single Market of the EU – Project and Realisation
  • SE_907 Economic Analysis and International Comparisons: Data, concepts, methods and challenges
  • SE_908 International Economics – Selected Issues
  • SE_910 Modern Methods for Economic Policy Analysis

Optional and supplementary courses:
Upon agreement with their supervisor, the PhD candidate chooses other one or two courses relevant to the doctoral thesis.

Foreign language courses for the doctoral study programme are delivered by the language departments.

The PhD candidate performs other duties in accordance with the Study and Examination Rules and the Individual Study Plan.

In accordance with the Study and Examination Rules, the PhD students also have to record in their Individual Study Plan a doctoral state examination (in the electronic information system it is referred to as the subject 2SDZ – Doctoral State Examination) as well as the defence of the thesis (in the electronic information system it is referred to as the subject 2ODIS – Defence of Thesis).

More information available at the website of the Faculty of International Relations.